David Arn – Walking to Dreamland

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David Arn – Walking to Dreamland

Primary URL: https://davidarn.com/

We’ve all watched musical trends and rock artists wind through their fair share of the nine lives that often accompany the personnel-shuffling lo-fi garage-rock world. I find it interesting how music from the 50’s when compared to pop from the 80’s and 90’s may sound different but it all has the same component. The artists at the focal point must be good all-around entertainers not relying too heavily on one skill set mind you. Paula Abdul is a perfect example, when in her prime was at best an average singer but had an above average look and an impeccable knowledge of choreography. It all balances out I guess. Unfortunately much of his carries over Independent music as everyone and their mom can now release a new CD to be cherished by a few loved ones and some close acquaintances. Much of it is to do about nothing. So it’s no surprise that there’s a veteran artist named David Arn with his latest musical inception “Walking to Dreamland” who just released this follow-up in 2014. At first glance you might expect this is just another over the top rock statement from a super geeks behind a PC trying to be dark right? Guess again!

From the opening lines of the title track and “Better Off Together” and “Even On a Town of Seven Churches (Odds are Even)” to the resolved close of “The Last Word” and “Water Lilies” this is an unleashed whirlwind of musical insanity – in a somewhat controlled setting. This is controlled chaos. It’s also an instantly likeable collection of 10 tracks offering the best that Independent Alt-Rock has to offer. What I like the most about Arn is how they are largely uncomplicated, without the sticky-catchy gimmicks of a Electro “overly Synthetic” rock that sounds like a bold font stuck in your face. On “Walking to Dreamland” the vocals from Arn are not an over the top testimony either, but rather a well executed, conservative staple that is modest and well packaged. The more I listened to this CD the more it feels as if Arn is one of those yet to be discovered “under the radar” type powerhouse artists. Of course I remember the days where King Crimson, How to Destroy Angels, SONOIO and Saul Williams filled the airwaves.  A flashy piece of music may be is worth a thousand words, but a good song can say volumes more. Much of this is in stark contrast to David Arn with its crisp neo-progressive earthy blues sound he and his counterparts bring masterfully. Well done to Raz Ben Ari for his amazing solos. Besides Guitar, David Arn also plays Organ and Piano. It’ may be true that the hungry rock legions especially along the East Coast and where I live in New York may be forming a new type of musical revolution. Almost a Pop backlash if you will. Who cares about flashy pop anyway and it’s house of cards. Like the sugar rush of any power pop song sometimes their dedication to the aesthetic loses its flavor in the end. David Arn may have a hint of old school rock of the 70’s and 90’s but is a polar opposite to the aforementioned nonsense and Arn’s latest release “Walking to Dreamland” gets a huge thumbs up from me.

My top tracks are: “Walking to Dreamland”, “When You Lost Your Situation”, “Hungry Kisses.”

When one buys a world class CD, they don’t want marketability, flashiness or even rebellion. They want a genius like David Arn to color outside the lines a bit, breaking some rules along the way. Having said that “Walking to Dreamland” sits alone and is in a class by itself. .

CD BABY: https://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/DavidArn

J. Rutherford

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