Need a new all-female rock band in your life? Well, you have stumbled on the right music blog today because we are here to talk about Full Moon Radio. This is not like those bands that tweens flock towards like Paramore and Tonight Alive, while good, this is a band for the adults who like to rock. Full Moon Radio is a group of women who likely grew up with The Pixies on their cassette players and a Nirvana patch on their jean jacket. They blend together on their record Drop Off so well they could be viewed as one whole person. From Hanging Around to the zombie anthem Undead, Full Moon Radio toss together rock, grit and energy and do it well. The Crowd starts off a little slow but then turns things around, while you get a dose of some Courtney Love like sounds in You Can Lie and a little of The Sounds in Hand Carved Mission. If you are into those aforementioned acts, then make sure to check out Full Moon Radios Drop Off, out now. (