Douglasville, Ga — Dustin Arnold, known as Rocky Krim went from doing hip hop/gangster music to gospel music. He believes it’s GODS WILL and that GOD wants him to spread “The Good News” through music. His old stage name was Rocky Krim but now he goes by his real name, Dustin Arnold aka Gideeon Gods Chosen One.
Dustin Arnold was raised on the streets since the age of 12, then from there he started going down the wrong path starting with gang banging, soon after was armed robbery’s, fighting, drugs, shootings, etc. and has been in and out of jail all of his life but he also has been rapping and doing music his whole life as well. Many would admit that Dustin Arnold has a musical gift, he believes it’s a gift from GOD since birth. Dustin Arnold was in his prime with hip hop/rap music doing big things like performing around the city of Atlanta, performing in Miami for the coast to coast live championship coming in 3rd, a 1 on 1 meeting with vice president of A&R of Atlantic records Jeff sledge, YouTube videos, merchandise, building his fan base, etc. to all of a sudden switching genres from hip hop/gangster rap music to Gospel music. I asked Dustin Arnold why, he said it’s what GOD wants. Dustin believes GOD spoke to him and wants him to spread the gospel “The Good News” through music.
Dustin was raised in church since birth and was always a Christian that believes in Jesus and was baptized in 2009, he just had a rough life in the streets that kept him distracted and deeper into sin. He finally got his act together when he had his daughter Gracie in 2018, his daughter Naomi in 2020 and his son Dustin J Arnold jr. in 2021. In 2024 Dustin Arnold got re baptized and follows Jesus 100% with obedience.
Dustin Arnold believes that GOD put him on earth to spread the gospel with music by writing and recording his own music, he does it all for Jesus and gives GOD all the glory. Dustin just released his first gospel song with his new single “God Is With Me” with the music video dropping next week on YouTube, he is also about to release another hit single called “All Glory To God” this week with a music video for it coming right after. He feels he is Gods Chosen One and now does music for the Lord spreading the gospel and wants everyone to hear his message.
Dustin Arnold is an independent artist who has his own website, merchandise, LLC’s, music on all platforms, professional music videos, etc. the only thing he needs is a fan base considering he is starting over with a new genre. He knows he has to be consistent by working harder than ever before while remaining focus and listening to the lord.
Dustin Arnold’s Official Website
Dustin Arnold was saved by God and also chosen by God, who now writes and records his own music for our Lord Jesus Christ to help spread the gospel. You can find Dustin’s music on all platforms including his new song “God Is With Me” on iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, YouTube etc. You can also find all his social media accounts, videos, updates, free raffles, merchandise and much more on Dustin Arnold’s Official Website
Dustin Arnold
Name: Gideeon
Email: [email protected]
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Source: ArtistPR