Hank Shreve Band: Loosen Up

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Hank Shreve Band ReviewAll Hank Shreve Band wants you to do is lighten up, oh and loosen up too  as that’s the title of their 2015 release. “Loosen Up” is all about  good time as the title track sounds like a fun time out in New Orleans on Bourbon Street. “Playin’ in the Band” sounds more like an night out with the girl you want to take home. It has this funkiness to it that makes it play cool and coy. In “Feelin’ Better” the funk is stepped up and it sounds like something you could do the jive hands dance from “Grease” to. Lastly, “Don’t Want You Back” takes us down and winds down the party with an easygoing track to cap things off. If you’re a fan of blues music that has a hint of funk, check out Hank Shreve Band’s “Loosen Up,” out now. (https://www.hankshreveband.com)

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