Healing Trauma with Evocative Music and Expressive Art

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Healer/musician/composer Alain Amouyal aspires to ease the world’s pain — one melody at a time

Making a difference in mental health and emotional well-being, dentist/musician/composer Alain Amouyal is the creative benefactor of psycho emotional therapy that triggers cathartic healing. Blending evocative music with artistic expression and innovative clinical therapies, Alain works to ease the world’s pain — one cathartic melody at a time.

Devoting his life, talent, training, time and energy to help people heal from unwellness and trauma, Alain remains committed to creating cathartic music, especially during these challenging times.

“My quest is to help liberate people from psychological traumas that thwart healing, happiness and success,” says Alain. “When I see the positive changes my music brings to individuals from all walks of life who are suffering — from bullied and battered children to adult cancer patients — it motivates me to work even harder to help.”

While pursuing a rock music career in his home country of France, Alain simultaneously earned his dental degree at Aix-Marseille II University in Marseille. In 1999, he began composing cathartic music full time.  Impressively, he recorded his symphonic work, Orpheus, Dance of Darkness and Light (aka Temptation: Frames for a Fairy Tale) at London’s famed Abbey Road Studio 1, accompanied by The London Symphony Orchestra and The London Voices. This work became the basis for “The Orpheus Experience” and the recording’s success spawned 15 additional albums that delighted audiences worldwide.

“When I was a dental surgeon, I didn’t fully realize the therapeutic aspects of my music until a medical colleague asked if he could play my recordings in his work with psychiatric patients,” Alain explains. “When I was able to observe, in a clinical environment, the powerful catharsis my music triggered, I came to understand why people dealing with emotional and mental issues felt such a strong connection to it.”

This prompted Alain’s pioneering journey “to reinvent emotional healing around the world” by establishing the nonprofit educational organization known as The Orpheus Institute. The Institute supports projects that help communities create a balanced, supportive environment to sustain humanity’s emotional advancement. It’s also the umbrella organization for such innovative therapeutic resources as The Orpheus Project and Catharsis Application Program.

Together with his professional colleagues and patrons, Alain has helped countless people surmount challenges ranging from traumatic stress, depression and anxiety to eating and behavioral disorders, Alzheimer’s disease and other conditions. In addition to helping individuals recall and release suppressed emotions from traumas they’ve experienced, Alain’s powerful blend of music-and-art therapy fosters healthy self-exploration and safe, meaningful relationships.

From behind the keyboard, Alain confides that his own spiritual transformation inspired much of his music. Notably, his works have been performed by celebrated concert pianists in France, Belgium, Germany, the U.K. and the U.S. Recently, Alain’s Temptation was named as a semi-finalist in the instrumental category of the 2020 International Songwriting Competition.

Learn more about Alain’s work to heal others via TheOrpheusInstitute.org.



Name: Dr. Alain Amouyal
Email: [email protected]
Address: 11150 W Olympic Blvd Ste 915
Los Angeles, California 90064
United States



YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5ve2LTKGfl_mBQeo-0H8Dw
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5WsHJfaU9UyOhGF8NVao3s
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmouyalMusic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theorpheusinstitute/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alainamouyal?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base_contact_details%3Bdu6fqe33TrWlDQE2GMVTQA%3D%3D

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/search?q=alain%20amouyal

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