Is it ever to late to Rock, Hard Left Turn Says No with their Debut Album

Is it ever to late to Rock, Hard Left Turn Says No with their Debut Album

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Poplar Bluff, Mo. — Thursday, January 23rd, 2020 — Their Unique Perspective, Style and Approach for that “Next Great Song” Makes Hard Left Turn’s Music Something you Want to Hear Again & Again

The music is catchy, energetic, melodic, anthemic, and diverse with a southern edge, lots of character within the song structures, the musicianship is thrilling, a diverse record, a Solid vibe, great production, excellent songwriting. Definite classic rock feel. Weird Al Yankovich meets the Rolling Stones, Sometimes a feel of Michael Monroe and in some parts Poison, Junkyard, Shotgun Messiah or the Sex Pistols

Thanks for the rest of the album – great stuff! No Place For Me is still stuck in my head – they all rock!…. Randy Q108 Kingston

Send your music to our station/publication We’ll add you to our playlist or review page in the coming weeks…Ardenncafe Webradio France

You guys rock…look for playback on the next regular show Jan 8…WRTC Rock Director The Boris Rock Show

Hard left Turn released Their 11 song debut album on Nov. 15th, 2019 and are already on a playlist on a handful of rock radio stations, worldwide.

From the Laidback Groove of RICH WOMAN
To the POP sound of SHUT THE DOOR
The Punk feel of NO PLACE FOR ME
The off the wall Vibe of ARE YOU SANTA CLAUS……

This album has something for everyone

Help Hard Left Turn Rock the World One Song at a Time By Downloading or buying their debut Cd…

Even get a Hard Left Turn Rockin T-shirt at Head-on collision Records


If Music had a Cookbook Hard Left Turn’s Recipe would be, Rock Nudged by pop with a Little Punk Sprinkled on Top




HaRd LeFt TuRn
Rusty Corzine
813 Hendrix Street

Source: ArtistPR Press Release

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