Lexxica – “Hearts Collide”

Lexxica – “Hearts Collide”

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Lexxica – “Hearts Collide” 

Primary URL: https://www.lexxicamusic.com/ 

Lexxica, a Los Angeles based vocalist and writer who has a single EP release already to her credit, emerges on her new single “Hearts Collide” as one of the most formidable EDM talents to emerge in some time. Her unique ability to fulfill all of the genre’s vocal demands while still insistently crafting out space for melody and surging with a raw, unquestionably rock and roll spirit makes her a truly rare find in an increasingly barren scene. Genre and subgenre fusion is always the way to go for producing exciting, new sounds and Lexxica’s talents for crossing all sorts of style lines without losing her way or creditability makes her quite qualified to produce memorable work that never loses its ability to move a crowded night club.  

Lexxica, above all, is excellent at conveying her message and intentions. “Hearts Collide” is clearly a song about those charged moments when two excited people connect romantically for the first time and Lexxica’s vocal features equal parts seductiveness, longing, delicacy, and assertiveness. The song isn’t ever negative and Lexxica even manages to convey those moments of delicacy with surprising energy. There isn’t a hint of darkness to be heard anywhere in this song.  

The lack of darkness is despite a powerful EDM backing track that, at times, hits with shattering energy. There’s no question that a song like this is ideally suited for late nights out on the town and its dramatic structure frames Lexxica’s message perfectly. There’s an added intensity that comes from it that amps “Hearts Collide” even further.

This is young music. There’s no sense of tomorrow, no sense of complication, no concern. It’s music of the moment that’s charged with the thrill of experience and possibility. Lexxica shows her true artistry how she never overplays her hand and, instead, explores the song’s experience while taking full advantage of its energy. Differences between this new song and her first EP are obvious. The material on the debut is quite promising, but Lexxica has clearly climbed to another level where her music has gained added depth and stylistic sophistication.

It’s gratifying to witness such a leap. EDM music and similar genres are often derided as bubblegum product music, but Lexxica’s latest effort proves that categorically wrong. In Lexxica’s hands, “Hearts Collide” and its EDM foundations becomes the launching pad for a creative mingling of various intentions.  

One intention remains clear above all others. Lexxica wants to entertain you and “Hearts Collide” does a great job of that from the first note on. Her vocal commitment never lightens up for a single word and she knows how to play to the music in effective, dramatic ways. It’s the mark of a major talent that she’s been able to take such a significant step forward from her first to second releases and works as evidence that her musical future is brighter than few of her performing peers.  

MUZOIC: https://muzoic.org/release/album/lexxica-hearts-collide-single 

Joshua Stryde

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