Musik and Film

Musik and Film

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Musik and Film

About Musik & Film:

It simply isn’t enough for the music world’s behind the scenes movers to aid artists by campaigning for press coverage. Virtually everything about the music world has changed in the last twenty plus years and music artists are experiencing greater difficulty than ever before in getting their work the widest possible attention. Musik and Film and Musik Radio Promotions , employ a crack team of production, distribution, and artist development professionals who utilize a comprehensive approach for artists befitting an increasingly complex and cut-throat entertainment landscape.

The Musik and Film Radio Promotions team provide some of their most impressive services. They have worked with many marquee names, ranging from Lionel Richie to Rick Ross, but their ability to promote any sort of music is another sign of their talents. Their creativity and the seriousness of their approach is stressed by the assortment of packages they offer interested clients with an escalating approach tailored to an artist’s needs and their bottom line realities. They possess the ability to focus on many global markets and their aforementioned wealth of experience in the music world allows them the latitude and instincts to focus the right kinds of music in ideal locations rather than just throwing it out there and hoping to make a mark.

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These promotional and support efforts can manifest themselves in many ways. Musik and Film’s reach extends far beyond mere publicity; their other services include worldwide level distribution thanks to longstanding partnerships with both Universal and Sony Music, production services including access to Musik and Film’s own studios. With producers with Platinum hits from such artists as U2, Damian Rice and many others. The label support through the agency’s own recording imprint, and priceless consultation and management expertise to assist artists navigating their way through contractual agreements, formulating business plans, and making the necessary connections with industry professionals who can advance careers at an accelerated pace.


They work with an array of respected producers who have shepherded an shaped a bevy of important recordings as well as Gold and multiple Platinum work. They are likewise experienced hands in A&R and talent development with creative minds and hard workers with decades in the music business. Musik and Film’s consulting arm, likewise, has a proven track record of ensuring artists, new and established, with critical guidance regarding both their careers and new releases. This sort of far-reaching, all-encompassing service model is key to Musik and Film Productions success and they show no signs of slowing down. Musicians and listeners alike are living in a brave new entertainment world, irrecoverably altered by technology’s global reach, and the assistance of experienced professionals like those at Musik and Film is essential for blazing the right trails. In a crowded field, there are few better at what they do than Musik and Film Productions’and Promotions team. Here is what some of their artists have to say

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