Never Ending Avenue is a pop punk band from Vineland, New Jersey who’s had the chance to share the bill with some of the best the genre has to offer and they’re determined to make their name as household as can be with their latest album “Searching for the Better.” The “Intro” leaves you wondering what they could do when lyrics are attached. You quickly get your answer with “Late Nights,” a tame song. Things pick up a bit with “Blame Yourself” and get cranked up to their full potential with “Toast To The Host.” This one is the best path for the band to follow to attain their stake in the pop punk pool that’s getting new swimmers each and every day. While “Concrete Walls” was a look inside the emotional side of Never Ending Avenue, after “Toast To The Host,” you wanted more energy from the band at all time. If you’re into pop punk and are looking to add another to your roster that’ll defend it, check out Never Ending Avenue’s “Searching for the Better,” out now. (