Houston, Texas — After the release of her debut single “Cannot Live Without You” in December 2020, Pashibelle has finally unveiled her debut album. The album, which is named after her debut single is an EP made of six songs that was released on Christmas Eve. All songs on this album were written by the artist herself and produced by Wale Owoade.
According to the artist, gospel music has a way of renewing souls and giving hope. Which is why she was very intentional on each song on the album. She wishes for her debut album to bring hope to hearts and joy where there has been loss or pain, following the tragic events that the World has been facing. “Cannot Live Without You” is therefore available on all music platforms worldwide.
What‘s even better than celebrating our savior with new melodies?
‘New year, new melodies, new soul, new hope.’
Pashibelle encourages everyone to listen to “Cannot Live Without You” on their favorite music platforms and on radio stations like ‘Amazing Radio’.
Feel free to link up with the artist https://www.instagram.com/just.one.girls.opinion/
Pashibelle is a gospel singer who has been leading worship in churches and events for more than eight years now, and offering Christian talks on her YouTube channel, “Just One Girl’s Opinion (JOGO)”.
Finally returning into the music industry with her debut album “Cannot Live Without You” to inspire and give hope to her community and social media family, the Texan artist portrays her origins & inspirations across several styles such as AfroZouk, R&B, Soul, Jazz with a touch of the languages she speaks.
Name: Pashibelle Unkap
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/just.one.girls.opinion/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/justonegirlsops
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC60zcDlk1z-e-RFlpY3haYg
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2G1gi6XNrn5DX4O2Ha0m3F
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/pashibelle
Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/pashibelle
Source: ArtistPR