Souleye – Hip Hop Medicine

Souleye – Hip Hop Medicine

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Souleye – Hip Hop Medicine


When his roommates recommended a move to Steamboat Springs, Colorado, Souleye found himself before an audience of 80,000 at the Ultra Musical Festival. Since then, he’s played with Bassnectar, MIMosa and other groups, defying genre as he brings in hip hop, rap, R&B, soul, EDM, and even Bluegrass. Six albums, more than 100 songs, and more than 400 shows later, Souleye’s music is capturing the hearts and minds of a devoted fan base. His musical journey is far from over, and as he continues to evolve, Souleye’s lyrics grow deeper, his songs more powerful, and his life and music more entwined. On “Hip Hop Medicine” there is an overall freshness we used to refer to as “raw.” And that’s the best way for me to describe this single. It’s new, it’s old, and it’s vital for both young and older rap, hip hop, funk, soul and R&B lovers. Souleye have even gone down the Bluegrass path, so, diversity isn’t a hard thing to come by. But that doesn’t mean the next Ice T’s Body Count is on the way. This is in all actuality some very good singing as well as rapping.

Dustin Tavella isn’t just a one trick pony in that aspect. He is a lyricist with his ear to the ground who attacks the substantial and leaves the style to others. The backing track has a ring to it you can’t put a finger on but want to the whole time it’s playing. But it is met with extra beats that tend to bury that unimportance. But it used to be you knew what you were hearing within a few bars. This ditty escapes but will probably come to mind later. Either that or I’m just too old to be right or even remember, but it’s almost a seventies bass sound. If I were more up on rap I’d be all over this mystery, but instead I’ll just take it as it is. But I can’t compare it to anything modern either, because I’m used to reviewing other genres. But this is a mind melting single that anyone can get off on. Music is the ultimate medicine but some would never agree to that, but the point is that’s what this hip hop is. A pill full of wisdom and solid cuts to the ears. If you could drink it, you’re overdose. It can be that enlightening for the heart, body, mind and soul. And Souleye has no shortage of the potion in sight. In-fact it’s so abundant it’s out of sight. It’s a must flow opportunity to get this on your device, and pack it with some more Souleye while you’re at it. There is much here to chew on lyrically, as he preaches the gospel on priorities. There’s a “don’t stop it” line that keeps repeating and it’s hypnotic throughout, like a message. It bodes well with Souleye’s trip hop leanings on paper, of which I have yet to experience but will explore the back releases for it. One thing I’d like to know is what instruments are used on this track, or if it’s all just samples and loops. But all there is to go by for this review is the one single, so that shall remain a mystery. It’s not an easy task trying to play this title up or down, with so little to wrap around in just a few minutes. But those few minutes sound like weeks to months in the making. It is amazing how musicians pack a whole day into a few notes like that. Dustin has a knack for that and then some. You get it all here in an economical version of what sounds like it possibly went on for several more minutes, but that too is an elusive notion.

I am impressed with everything about it, even if I can’t mastermind the situation so early after hearing it. But there is nothing to complain about and that doesn’t make it easy on critics, but that is a good thing at the end of the rope. It’s about concentration on the product and any things that could’ve been done any differently. This almost makes reviewing singles a lot of fun, as they usually tend to require less describing. And the truth is, some stuff is better left not trying to find what isn’t there to poke at. This is a medicinal review of a medicinal single that bends over backward to please.


Randy Jones


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