Trevor Drury – Trip To The Water

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Trevor Drury – Trip To The Water


Trevor Drury is from Tucson, AZ and raised in Escondido, CA. When he was eight years old, his mother bought him an electric piano. He began taking lessons and soon became thoroughly obsessed with the art. He later went on to study vocal performance at San Diego State University. Music has remained a constant passion in his life ever since. Trevor has since established himself as an international model with representation in New York (Soul Artist Management), Los Angeles (Vision), Paris (Elite), Milan (Crew), London (Supa), Miami Beach (DAS), Unique Model Management (Denmark), and Barcelona (Sight). Trip To The Water – the new single from this part model, part musician, released Oct, 20th, is a ballad with mixed results. That is not to cast any negative shadows, but it can go either or both ways. The problem lies in the lack of popularity of ballads, but Drury works that out with an intermediate spin that renders it more of a power ballad. I like power ballads, so the right end of the song reaches far. It’s actually-very progressive for what it’s worth. The piano draws you in at first but that’s not all there is to it. The track slowly builds up with a few big orchestrated bridges placed in just the right moments. Without knowing any other songs by an artist, it can be hard to get-a good grasp on them, but after hearing Trip To The Water, I’m inclined to hear more where Trevor Drury comes from. This is a lovely track, but how accessible to the masses it will be is very important. However, his fans have got to love everything about this song no matter how you slice it. You’ll be captivated from the start, but even more by the time it’s over. You don’t get this level of quality every day, but it used to be around in abundance. It harks back to when just about everything was good and more was more.

Drury gets down and pushes the progressive envelope, going above and beyond the crooner style with something different in which to measure them all by. There’s an honesty to the song which obviously comes from being a trained vocalist, but also a very moving piece of music behind it that goes through a few gears with super-precise time changes. And that is where it gets undeniably awesome and your jaw drops at the sound of it all before it’s half-way over. Aside from his very Michael Stipe vocal style, it’s Drury’s piano playing that shines through the most on Trip To The Water. Taste how clean it is. The pain and sorrow in his voice is unrelenting, and the atmosphere of the music adds a majestic background that makes it epic. That’s just part what you feel as it goes from one end of the musical spectrum to the other. And even though at first you might think it’s going to go worse, it picks up and kicks you off your feet. If there’s a way to turn onto an artist by hearing them for the first time, this comes as close to it as it gets. Trevor Drury earns top marks for instant likeness here, with a single that is sure to drive the message he’s bringing to the world. It’s all in the lyrics of this tasty piece of ear candy.


Larry Toering

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