Triggers & Slips Keep It Country

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Triggers & Slips Keep It CountryLooking at me, you would not know what I was into. You might jump to conclusions and say I was into hip hop or R&B. You would not be wrong. I like the occasional song I hear in the top 40 sphere, but those are not genres I seek out. I lean towards rock, and am rooted in pop from my childhood raised on boy bands, but my roots are country. My mom was into Garth Brooks and Brooks & Dunn, so I learned to appreciate that as a mere child. Today I continue to listen to country, just not as much as when I was five and in the back of moms pickup. So when it came time to get to know Triggers & Slips, I was not worried. I did not crinkle my nose like many of my friends would do as this band is pure country. I accepted them and all they had to give. At first I thought Triggers & Slips were going to be straight up classic country due to The Come Down and its old-timey saloon vibe; paging the wild wild west. Then the other songs soon told me they were more modern than I was first led to believe, but still maintained a true country base. They are not those pop crossovers who abandon what it means to be country. They stick to honesty and that twang like no other. Songs like Old Friends and 4 Letters reminded me of songs you would hear at a BBQ or County Fair. They are good, laid back times to be had. They even offered two types of sounds. Too Good To Be True was full of grit, while Warm Sunshine was smooth and beautifully displayed. If you are into country that does no leave you thinking that it is pop music labeled wrong, then check out Triggers & Slips. (

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