Wayne Merdinger Makes Up For Lost Time & Proves It’s Never Too Late To Pursue The Dream

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40th Song Released In Four Years 


Scottsdale, Arizona – May 26, 2020 – Singer-songwriter Wayne Merdinger has been writing music for over 30 years, but having his songs shared with the world was never more than a pipedream. In 2016, however, Wayne’s children convinced him to record a legacy album as a keepsake for his growing family. At the age of 59, he ventured into a professional recording studio for a project that would unleash years of creativity and reawaken a passion for songwriting.

Since the release of that first album, “The Music Lives On,” which consists primarily of music written over several decades, he has been crafting new songs at a prolific rate; this month he celebrates the release of his 40th song in four years: “Times Are Changing.” A feat that many Billboard-charting artists have yet to reach.

Wayne’s songs tell stories of the highs and lows of life—connecting people through his depictions of the challenges and adventures so many of us face.  Although Wayne’s musical style transports listeners back to the 60s and 70s, lyrically, his messages center on the human experience and are relevant across time. “Times Are Changing” depicts a modern microcosm of society, exploring generational differences and the reluctance to accept the inevitable changes that are inherent to a rapidly evolving world.

Like many other recording artists, Wayne’s love of music caught fire in 1964 as he watched the Beatles make history on the Ed Sullivan Show. He knew then that music would be a part of his life someday but it wasn’t until 1977 that he finally decided to teach himself to play guitar and piano. He pays tribute to the Beatles and other legendary artists in his songs, “Abbey Road” and “Walking on Water.”  Today, his musical exploits represent his life balance as he maintains his role as president of a global company.  “Instead of playing golf, like many business executives, I play music,” he proudly boasts.

With three albums and 40 mainstream songs to his credit, Wayne has been able to turn a lifelong adoration for music into a rich catalog of original material.  Last month, his single, “One Day at a Time,” written about the current pandemic, debuted and has been gaining mass acclaim on social media.  He has written songs about the challenges of Alzheimer’s Disease (“No One’s Home”), teenage substance abuse (“Break the Devil’s Spell”), dealing with loss (“Messages), unleashing a hidden musical persona (“Behold the Invisible Man”) and many other subjects that provoke thought and touch the heart.

Those interested in adding new AC music to their playlists, interviewing Wayne Merdinger for their publication, site, podcast, or radio show, or learning more about Wayne’s musical journey can reach out via the information provided below.

Wayne’s music can be found on Spotify, Pandora, YouTube, Amazon Music, iTunes and other digital music outlets. For more information on Wayne Merdinger, please visit: http://www.waynemerdinger.com


Wayne Merdinger is a singer/songwriter, focused on insightful lyrics and inspired musical compositions that will resonate with those who enjoy heartfelt, classic rock-style ballads with emotional and relevant messages.  His professional recording experiences began later in life and, for those who have spent years fantasizing or regretting what could’ve been, he is living proof that it is never too late to pursue your dreams.

Wayne Merdinger
Email: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/waynemerdingermusic
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEapqOuOo2L84IhHQM-MOTQ
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6UCVec7pS1YaAJLOviGnvG?si=WsJ2kt1-RlqwkExjSyYxOA

Source: ArtistPR Press Release

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